Watchlist Screener
Watchlist screener/filter allows you to filter and screen stocks based on specific criteria or parameters. The goal of using a stock screener is to narrow down your watchlist to a more manageable list that meets certain predefined criteria. Criteria that are available range from statistics, price alerts to technical indicators. For example, you can set the filter to only show stocks that have a minimum dividend yield of 5%, below your entry price and are oversold. Additionally, this can be saved for quick access in the future.
Long term Technical Indicators
EMA 50 vs EMA 200, volume and candlestick are available to track long term stock performance for technical analysis.
Updated Insider Page
Insider page has been updated to be even more useful and organised. Now you can easily see the average buy and sell price of each stock of your favourite insider. Be sure to sort the columns to see how sorting information can present powerful insights.